Understanding the Camera DSLR Lighting Techniques

This time we will discuss about the lighting in DSLR cameras.
The key to getting a photo with the ideal light-dark photography is the golden triangle, which consists of the opening (aperture), shutter speed (Shutter Speed) and ISO. The combination of the three determines the quality of the dark light of a photograph.
The following description of three components:

Aperture : 

Aperture is the opening where light enters the camera lens. When large openings, a lot of the incoming light than the small openings. In addition to controlling the aperture too sharp space (depth of field / DOF).
Application, if we are in an environment that has a very bright light, then we can close the aperture a bit tired so that more light inside. If dark conditions, then we can open the camera lens aperture so that the end result to be optimal.
Apeture / openings disimbolkn with the letter "f" in the camera. Small numbers mean large aperture, while larger numbers mean smaller openings.

Shutter Speed:
Shutter Speed  is time to open the camera sensor to absorb light. Unit is in a second shutter speed. Usually started from 1/4000 seconds to 30 seconds. Variation of the shutter speed is set on the camera body.
In addition to affecting the quality of photos, sutter speed affects the image in two things:

  1. A fast shutter speed to capture / freeze (freeze) moving objects clearly in the photo.
  2. A long shutter speed to capture the impression of motion (montion) the object continue.

In practice, we use a shutter speed / high sutter speed to capture a moving object, such as photo coverage olaraga. Instead, we use a low speed suttter to record motion effects, such as recording the movement of a waterfall.

ISO is the size of the sensor sensitivity to light. Size starts from 50,80,100 numbers up to 3200 or greater. ISO with small size numbers mean sensitivity to low light, while the ISO with a large number of otherwise.
High ISO image quality can degrade because muncunya spots dinakan "noise". Photos will look speckled like sand and fine detail will be lost. But for difficult conditions, such as the light in the room were a bit tired of high ISO is often necessary.

Dark light of the final outcome a photo of course depends on individual taste,
That's all the information from me about lighting techniques in DSLR cameras, may be useful for all readers.. ^^

Here know Apa penyebab noise pada foto??

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